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Ina Stein

The female vulva is an exceptional organ, but most women know very little or nothing about its ability to squirt. It is a blind spot in our knowledge of women’s sexuality. This not only produces insecurities, but it also stops many women from delightful indulgence - which is unfortunate because the female squirting potential is a very sensual resource. It’s time to pay homage to this impressive female skill!

  • Text: Ina Stein
    Images: Alexandra Siering

First of all: Squirting is not in any way related to incontinence. It is a vital sign of pure sexual energy. And the phenomenon is not a gynecological UFO either. Every woman has the physical capability to ejaculate. Squirting is a natural part of the female sexual reaction cycle, a possible orgasmic reaction. It can – but it also may not – occur because sexuality knows no norms. Female ejaculation is not a matter of mysterious witchcraft. Discovering and cultivating the ability to squirt attests to a woman’s natural sexual curiosity and enjoyment. Instead of being embarrassed by the “lust water”, fearing incontinence as a cause, women should proudly enjoy their extended lust potential. Unfortunately, squirting has largely been degraded to being just a myth. It is time we put this subject back in its well-deserved place and enrich the infinite spectrum of female sexuality.

Female ejaculation exerts a peculiar fascination. Scientists describe it matter-of-factually by using the very unsexy term “ejaculative fluid emission from the female genitals”. It is mainly produced in the so-called paraurethral glands (also known as the G-spot) and discharged intermittently when a woman is sexually aroused. These glands are considered to be the female prostate, which is individually shaped in every woman. Several tiny openings at the end of the urethra serve as an exit for the ejaculate. Most glands lead directly into the urethra, two large passages end to the right and left of the urethra.

The female squirting juice is definitely not urine or lubrication fluid. Upon climaxing, it springs, runs or gushes from the urethra. It is a prostatal fluid of its own that is produced in individually different amounts, ranging from a few drops to several hundred milliliters. Again, there is no norm. The same applies to the consistency and appearance of the female ejaculate: It can be watery and clear, or rather viscid, cloudy and milky depending on your diet, frequency of ejaculation, and cycle phase.

Scientific analysis has found the ingredients of the squirting liquid, as well as their concentration, vary greatly depending, first and foremost, on the phase of the female cycle. It is similar to the secretion produced in the male prostate. Both contain a high concentration of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) including the prostate specific antigen (PSA) - a very important enzyme. PAP is a substance that can regulate and influence one or several biochemical reactions. It also contains some metabolic compounds such as glucose and creatinine as well as a few other specific enzymes and a small amount of urine or urea, respectively. The latter is inevitable since the female ejaculate runs through the urethra. Last but not least, its smell and taste also span a wide range, just like vaginal secretion, from neutral to earthy, from slightly sweet to sour to bitter or salty, to name just a few possibilities.

The entire article is to be found in Séparée International No.1.

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